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(1786 - 1865)
Two actors fighting at night
- a surimono diptych -

Signed:                        Kochoro Kunisada ga
Seal:                             (red emblem of the) Katsuhsikaren
Date:                            1832
Size:                             shikishiban surimono diptych (c. 20 x 18 cms / 8" x 7.2", each sheet)

Excellent impression and color, fine condition.
Full paper size each sheet, as published. - Untrimmed.

(very thin backing for protection)
With silver and bronze dust, surface polishing. - VERY RARE.

ref. no.: # 702489
- Sold -
The surimono diptych depicts a scene from the kabuki paly Tayoriari gohiiki no tsune performed at the KAWARAZAKI theater in 1832. - "The right sheet shows the actor ICHIKAWA DANJURO VII; the left sheet, the actor IWAI KUMESABURO II in a female role. Both are dressed in pilgrims' robes and are holding long swords which have been disguised as pilgrims' staffs. -
The background consists of a black night sky with silver stars, on which four poems by Goryutei Tokimasu, Bunkyosha Hazemaru, Bungensha Tamaru and Bunkaisha Nazuki. The diptych was made for the KATSUSHIKAREN (Katsushika poetry club)" (Rappard-Boon).

Ch. van Rappard-Boon, Japanese prints IV, Rijksprentenkabinet, 1984; nos. #147a+b.

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