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KOGYO, Tsukioka   (1869 - 1927) The series: 'A hundred Noh plays'
(Nogaku hyakuban)

This series of one hundred prints was published over a period of c. four years, from 1922-26, and was sold monthly in envelopes containing three prints each. The series mainly consists of single-sheet designs, but some are diptychs and triptychs. The publication was interrupted for a year due to the great Kantô earthquake of September 1923, and then resumed in August 1924.

Recommended reading:
Claus-Peter Schulz, The series Nogaku hykuban, in: "Andon", no. #67, Society for Japanese Arts, The Netherlands, October 2000.
O'Neill, G.P., A guide to Noh, Tokyo/Kyoto, Hinoki Shoten, 1959.

Please click on a picture to view its enlarged version.
Print captions contain: 'Title/Play' & Publication Date   /   Ref. order no.   /   Condition
Deluxe impressions, mostly with the application of metallic pigments (silver and gold colors)
Pls. note that prints from this series were first published mounted in paper folders,
faint signs of which may be detectible at the back not affecting the front side.

'Ema', 11.1925
ref. no. # 682332-3
Price: € 360.00

'Kagekiyo', 4.1923
ref. no. # 702546
Price: € 180.00

'Sakuragawa', 10.1922
ref. no. # 702549
very good
Price: € 180.00

'Yoro', 6.1926
ref. no. # 702557
a few, tiny ink spots.
Price: € 80.00

'Asukagawa', 9.1925
ref. no. # 702553
color offset spot, else fine
Price: € 120.00

'Higaki', 7.1925
ref. no. # 702548
very good
Price: € 180.00

'Hyakuman', 6.1925
ref. no. # 662212
Price: € 180.00

'Tomonaga', 7.1926
ref. no. # 662217
Price: € 180.00

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