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(1790 - 1851)
Hyakunin isshu
('A poem each by of the One Hundred Poets')

Signed:                        Shoho utsusu
Seal:                             (artist's seal)
Date:                             c. 1820
Size:                             large surimono
                                       (c. 32 x 44 cms)

Very good impression and colors,
a few professional restorations
along margins, else very good
condition. Areas of blind printing.

ref. no.: # 541298
The surimono depicts one of the most famous illustrated Japanese books, 'Hyakunin isshu', - together with its decoartive wrapper -, in which each member of the 'One Hundred Poets' canon is illustrated together with one of his poems. - Suga Shoho studied painting under Niwa Tokei, a prolific designer of literary- and kabuki-subject surimono from around the year 1800 on. Shoho continued this tradition into the 1820s and '30s.

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